Important links:
AP Central (Pre-2019 AB FRQs)AB Formula Booklet
AP Central (Pre-2019 BC FRQs)
AP Central (Pre-2019 AB FRQs)AB Formula Booklet
AP Central (Pre-2019 BC FRQs)
Westlake City School District PK-12 school district in. A Reference Guide to taking the AP Calculus AB Exam2. AP Calculus (Calculus I) - Areas bounded by the curve3. AP Calculus - Related Rates4. AP Calculus AB - Applications of Differentiation (Notes + practice worksheet)5.
Week of January 25 - January 29
Day 1: Screencast: Related Rates (5.3)
- In-Class: 402 # 1 – 13 odd; p. 417 MCQs # 1, 3, 7, 11
Day 2: Screencasts: Logistic Growth (5.4); Area Between Curves (6.1)
- In-Class: 413 # 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 13
- Chapter 5 Prep Quizzes opens
Week of February 1- February 5
Day 1: Screencasts: Arc Length (6.2), General Intro to Volume (6.3 to 6.6)
- In-Class: 424 # 1 – 4 one each in group; p. 454 # 1 – 13 odd
Day 2: Chapter 5 Test
- Summary Sheet due
- Canvas Review Quiz 1 opens
Week of February 8 - February 12
Day 1: Screencast: Volume by Rotation around an Axis (6.3)
- In-Class: 497 # 1 - 9 odd; p. 461 # 1, 3, 4, 6 MCQ; p. 477 # 1 - 8 in class
Day 2: Screencast: Volume by Rotation around a line (6.4)
- In-Class: 477 # 9, 13, 15, 17; p. 490 # 1 – 4 in class
- Quiz on 6.1 to 6.4 due Monday night 10pm
Week of February 15 - February 19
Monday: President's Day
- Quiz on 6.1 to 6.4 due Monday night 10pm
- In-Class: 490 # 8, 9, 12, 14
- In-Class: 504 # 1 – 5, 9, 10
- Chapter 6 Prep Quizzes opens
Week of February 22 - February 26
Day 1: Review Day
- In-Class: 515 # 1 – 4, 13, 14
- Summary Sheet due
- Start AP FRQ Packet #1
Day 2: Chapter 6 Test
Week of March 1 - March 5
Day 1: Screencasts: Limits (7.1); Limit Definition of a Derivative (7.2); One-sided Limits (7.3)

- In-Class: 555 MCQs # 1 – 11 odd; p. 562 MCQs # 1 – 9 oddp. 572 # 1 – 9 odd
- Chapter 3 Prep Quizzes opens
Week of March 8 - March 12
Day 1: Screencast: Differentiability (7.5)
- In-Class: 581 # 1 - 11 odd, p. 583 MCQs # 1 – 7 odd
- AP FRQ Packet #1 due
- Start AP FRQ Packet #2
- In-Class: 592 # 1 – 4, 5, 7, 9, 1; p. 609 MCQs # 1 - 15 odd
Week of March 15 - March 19
Day 1: Screencast: Accumulation of Rates Review (8.1)
- Canvas Review Quiz 3 opens
- AP FRQ Packet #4 due
- Start AP FRQ Packet #5
- Chapter 7 Prep Quizzes closes
- Summary Sheet due
Week of March 22 - March 26
Day 1: Screencasts: Table Problems Review (8.2); Graphical Analysis Review (8.3)
- AP Packet FRQ Packet #5 due
- Start AP MCQ Packet
Week of March 29 - April 2
Day 1: Screencast: Differential Equations Review (8.5)
- Canvas Review Quiz 4 on opens
- AP MCQ Packet due
- Start AP Packet FRQ Handout #5
Easter Break Week of March 30 - April 11
Week of April 12 - April 16
Day 1: Screencast: Related Rates Review (8.7)
- AP Packet FRQ Handout #5 due
- Online Review Quiz 4 on Closes
Week of April 19 - April 23
Day 1: Screencast: Implicit Differentiation and Related Rates (8.7)
After School Block: Spring Final Multiple Choice (no Calculator)
Day 2: Screencast: Miscellaneous Topics Review (8.8).
After School Block: Spring Final Multiple Choice (Calculator)
Week of April 26 - April 30
Day 1: Final Exam FRQ Review
- BC16 Packet due
Day 3: After School Block: Spring Final Free Response (No Calculator)
Week of May 3 - May 7
Monday: AM—US Govt; PM— Physics C
Tuesday: AM— Calculus; PM— German & Geography
Wednesday: AM—ENG Lit; PM—Japanese & Physics 1
Thursday: AM— US History; PM— Art History & Comp Sci A
Friday: AM— Chemistry & Spanish Lit; PM— European History & Physics
Day 1: AP Review Day
- Read the Kaplan article on MC Strategies (Links to an external site.)
Week of May 10 - May 14
Monday: AM—French & World History; PM— Macroeconomics
Tuesday: AM—Spanish; PM— Latin & Psychology
Wednesday: AM—ENG Lang; PM— Microeconomics & Music
Thursday: AM—Comp Govt & Comp Sci Principles; PM—Stats
Friday: AM— Biology & Italian; PM—Chinese & Env Sci
Day 1: AP Packet Handout #5 Due

Read these articles:
Week of May 17 - May 21
Day 1: Senior Holiday
Day 2: No class
Friday: Transition Liturgy
Week of May 24 - May 28
Final Exams
May 29: Graduation
Week of August 31 - September 4
Day 1: Course Introduction
- Screencasts to watch before class
- Homework due before next class
- Read the article Retrieval Practice
- Take the Myers-Briggs Test
- Complete the Student Information Survey
- Create your AP Central account and link your join codes.
- In-Class: 9 # 1- 19 odd; p. 19 # 1- 5, 7, 9, 14 - 21
Week of September 7 - September 11
Day 1: Screencast: Trig, Trig Inverse and Log Rules (1.3)
- In-Class: 29 # 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 15, 18
- In-Class: 36 # 1 - 11 odd.
- Download Quiz at the end of class.
Week of September 14 - September 18
Day 1: Screencast: Product Rule (1.5)
- In-Class: 42 # 1, 4, 8, 15, 17, 23, 27, 29; MCQ p. 44 # 1, 5, 6
- In-Class: 51 # 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 21; MCQ p. 52 # 1, 3, 5
- Quiz on 1.5 & 1.6 opens
Week of September 21 - September 25
Day 1: Screencast: Higher Order Derivatives
- In-Class: 58 # 1 – 7 odd, 13, 15, 23, 25
- Download and review Facts from PreCalc
- In-Class: 86 # 1 - 21 odd; p. 87 # 1 - 6 (MCQ)
- Chapter 1 Prep Quiz opens
Week of September 28 - October 2
Day 1: Review and Test Prep
- Summary sheet for Make It Stick due
- Chapter 1 Prep Quiz closes at 5pm
- Summary Sheet due
Week of October 5 - October 9
Day 1: Screencast: U-Substitution (2.2)
- In-Class: 95 # 1 - 17 odd
- In-Class: 96 # 1 - 6 (MCQ); p. 105 # 1 - 21 e.o. odd
- Quiz on 2.1 to 2.3 opens after class; due on Sunday Night
Week of October 12 - October 16
Day 1: Screencast: Separable Differential Equations (2.4)
- In-Class: 118 # 1 - 23 odd
Week of October 19 - October 23
Day 1: Screencast: Slope Fields (2.5)
- In-Class: 138 # 1 - 10 MCQ (together); p. 141 # 1 - 10 MCQ (together)
- Chapter 2 Prep Quizzes opens
- In-Class: 171 # 1 – 23 odd
Week of October 26 - October 30
Day 1: Chapter 2 Test Review
- Chapter 2 Prep Quizzes closes at 5pm
- In-Class: Chapter 2 FRQ Practice
- Summary Sheet due
Week of November 2 - November 6
Week 3ap Calculus Calculator
Day 1: Screencast: Definite Integrals and U-Substitution (3.2)- In-Class: 179 #1 – 25 e.o.odd
- In-Class: 192 # 1, 3, 5, 7
- Quiz on 3.1 to 3.3 due Sunday night
Week of November 9 - November 13
Day 1: Screencast: Integrals in Context (3.4)
- In-Class: 209 # 1 - 15 odd
- In-Class: p. 226 (MCQ) # 1 - 9 odd
- In-Class: p. 221 # 4
Week of November 16 - November 20
Day 1: Topic: Accumulation of Rates (3.5)
- In-Class: 221 # 5, 6, 7, 9, 11
- In-Class: 235 # 1 - 8 (two per student in group)
- Chapter 3 Prep Quizzes opens
Week of November 23 – November 24
Day 1: Chapter 3 Test
- Summary Sheet due
Week of November 30 - December 4
Day 1: Screencast: Extremes and the Derivative Tests (4.1)
- In-Class: p. 268 # 1 - 13
Week of December 6 - December 10
Week 3ap Calculus Practice
Day 1: Screencasts: The Second Derivative (4.4)- In-Class: p. 301 # 1 - 13 all
- Chapter 1 - 3 Prep Quizzes opens
Week of December 14 - December 18
For X-Period Office Hours this week, use the Wednesday Zoom link in Canvas
Monday/Tuesday: Final Exam Review Day
- Come to class with questions about the FRQ Practice Exam
- Chapter ALL Prep Quizzes close at 10pm Tuesday
Ap Calculus Ab Review Week 3
Christmas Vacation December 19- January 1
Week of January 4 - January 8Day 1: Screencast: Graphing with Derivatives (4.5)
- Final Exam Review
- In-Class: p. 311 # 1, 3, 5 9, 10
- In-Class: Memory Quiz 1
- In-Class: p. 327 # 7 – 10
Week 3ap Calculus Definition
Week of January 11 - January 15Day 1: Screencast: Graphical Analysis II (4.7)
- In-Class: p. 340 # 1, 3, 5, 7 and AP Handout
- In-Class: Memory Quiz 2
- In-Class: One Algebraic, one numerical and one graphical for each person in the group from p. 387 # 9 – 14, 20 – 22, and 24 - 27
- Quiz on 4.6 and 4.7 (Due Monday night at 10pm)
- Chapter 4 Prep Quizzes opens

Week of January 18 - January 22
Monday: Martin Luther King Holiday
- Quiz on 4.6 and 4.7 due at 10pm
- In-Class: p. 402 # 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 15, and AB2004 #4
- Chapter 4 Prep Quizzes closes Wednesday night at 10pm
- Summary sheet due
- Quiz on 5.1 to 5.3 opens