On your Mac, click Use As Backup Disk, then follow the instructions in Time Machine preferences. To open Time Machine preferences, choose Apple menu System Preferences, then click Time Machine. Important: Time Machine doesn’t backup system files or apps installed during macOS installation.
- Plug in your external backup device to your Mac and make sure it's powered on. Go into Finder and click on the external backup device. Select the folder called Backups.backupdb. Double click on the folder with the name of the Mac.
- Local Time Machine backups My transition advice would be to move away from Time Capsule and switch to Time Machine volumes attached to Mac desktops already on the network. MacOS allows networked.
Hi, all. I'm a new Apple user; very much impressed and happy with my Macbook and new Time Capsule.
I don't have what I would refer to as 'vital' content that needs to be backed up on an hourly basis. In fact, I only have about 57 GB on my hard drive. I primarily want to use the Time Machine feature as a general backup for the content that I have on my Macbook.
So, what I've been doing is to keep Time Machine OFF and randomly back up to my Time Capsule every few days or so. My thinking is that this will minimize the used space in the Time Capsule unit.
I'm curious if you all think this is a viable tactic for someone in my position? Also, I'm wondering If I were to keep Time Machine ON and I, after a while, fill up the space on my 500 GB Time Capsule, will the oldest backups automatically be deleted to make room for the more recent ones?
I don't have what I would refer to as 'vital' content that needs to be backed up on an hourly basis. In fact, I only have about 57 GB on my hard drive. I primarily want to use the Time Machine feature as a general backup for the content that I have on my Macbook.
So, what I've been doing is to keep Time Machine OFF and randomly back up to my Time Capsule every few days or so. My thinking is that this will minimize the used space in the Time Capsule unit.
I'm curious if you all think this is a viable tactic for someone in my position? Also, I'm wondering If I were to keep Time Machine ON and I, after a while, fill up the space on my 500 GB Time Capsule, will the oldest backups automatically be deleted to make room for the more recent ones?

Mac Time Machine Manual Backup Manual
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
Mac Time Machine Manual Backup Instructions
Posted on Mar 5, 2008 7:42 PM