Student Portals Launchedeffective Curriculum Ideas

Curriculum Frameworks include Big Ideas, Concepts, Competencies, and Essential Questions aligned to Standards and Assessment Anchors and, where appropriate, Eligible Content. To view a Curriculum Framework, use your existing search preferences or select Choose Grades and Subjects. 3: Students 4: Parents Choose Your Program: A Focal Points Curriculum Bridge to Success - HS Bridge to Success - MS California Common Core Common Core 2014 Common Core High School Florida Florida - 2015 Florida Standards Florida 2020 Georgia Idaho 2012 Integrated Mathematics Integrated Mathematics 2019 Minnesota North Carolina South Carolina. And ideas, and making connections to everyday life (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2005). However, there is a concern that anadian students mathematical achievements are on the decline (EQAO, 2012). In 2012, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), an. Grow Curriculum is as easy to use online as it is in person! We even created an Online Guide to Youth Ministry, that’ll show you how to adapt every aspect of Grow for an online environment: the planning resources, teaching resources, games, discipleship activities, volunteer and parent resources, and even the events.

Education Highlight

The COVID-19 virus has put schools across the world in an unprecedented position, requiring many to quickly transition from traditional, in-person education to an online experience. ArkansasIDEAS has created a learning path with our partners at LinkedIn Learning to identify courses that help explain teaching online – from leading practices in online teaching to EdTech tools like Canvas and collaboration software like Microsoft Teams.
As ArkansasIDEAS users, you have access to these courses (and hundreds of others) for free!
For more information on the learning path ArkansasIDEAS created, please click the Teaching Online button below.

'I love that this is applicable to high school students and every class! Thank you!'
- ELB20003

'This edition provided fresh inspiration to use long time familiar techniques for learning.'
- ELB20003

'This is a good lesson about students expressing themselves after writing.'
- ELB20007

'So relevant for today for all students to be able to express themselves.'
- ELB20007

'I appreciate the differentiated support the McAdoo's offer each specific student; I agree with allowing the writers to express themselves in their own personal voices.'
- ELB20007

'This really was helpful and confirmed some of the strategies that I had already been using.'
- ELB20003

'This course was very fundamental to me and I look forward to implementing it into my teaching techniques.'
- ELB20003

'This was my favorite one in this series - I actually stopped and started writing down ideas of different ways to use the graphic organizers. I can't wait for 14 now!'
- ELB20003

'This was my favorite Science of Reading topic as its application in the classroom has the potential of greatly helping students by giving them simple but effective lifetime tools to enhance their comprehension. Incredible! Can't wait for Part 14!'
- ELB20003

'I really loved this video. It was interesting to see the method Mrs. McAdoo used to reach all of her students.'
- ELB19071

Newest Courses

Student Portals Launchedeffective Curriculum Ideas Activities

Preventing the Spread of Communicable Diseases: Sports Medicine for Coaches

Due to the risk and exposure of communicable diseases in athletics, there is an increased likelihood of the spread of infectious diseases in our schools’ competitive sports programs, typically through skin-to-skin contact and shared infected equipment.

Economics U$A: Macroeconomics - Boom and Bust

From the beginning of the twentieth century through present day, America has been on an economic roller-coaster ride from boom to bust and back again. Economics U$A: Macroeconomics - Boom and Bust is the sixteenth unit in a twenty-eight part series that begins a discussion of both microeconomics and macroeconomics. The stories in this unit reveal how evolving economic theories have led to an explanation of business cycles.

In Search of Arkansas

The Encyclopedia of Arkansas, sponsored by the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS), is a helpful research tool for teachers and students. In Search of Arkansas takes a look at how to navigate the historical database. Ms. Ali Welky, Assistant Editor of the CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas (EoA), discusses the site's features and offers some suggestions for getting the most out of the EoA.

Portraits of Courage: The Story of Women's Suffrage in Arkansas

Portraits of Courage explores women's suffrage in The Natural State, taking a unique look at some of the more influential Arkansas suffragists as well as some of the national figures who inspired their fight.

Disciplinary Literacy in English Language Arts

Utilizing the Annenberg Learner videos, ArkansasIDEAS provides a wealth of resources for these lessons, including videos and other materials which may be used in the classroom with students.

ArkACRAO Articulation Workshop

We know that the start of this academic year looks a little different and may have brought some challenges. We as an organization want to make sure that we still provide information regarding any and all state updates. We also wanted to share all the wonderful things happening at institutions around Arkansas and our bordering states.
Non-comprehensive list of publishers offering free distance learning resources.

Below is a non-comprehensive list of publishers offering free distance learning resources. At the URL listed, users can learn about the specific resources available as publishers continue to expand their offerings. Districts are not mandated to utilize only state-adopted instructional materials, and many classrooms utilize a network of resources. In this list below, educators and parents/guardians may discover the individual resources they want for a particular need.

Please note that this list is comprised of publishers who have offered their site information. The California Department of Education (CDE) has not reviewed these sites and resources, nor does the CDE in any way endorse or specifically recommend these resources. Users should carefully conduct their own evaluation based upon their own specific local needs and the appropriateness of the resources offered.

Access resources for using Amplify programs remotely.

Applied Educational Systems
Interactive lessons, ready to use projects, and automatically graded assessments.

Family e-book libraries

Big Ideas Learning
Big Ideas Mathprogram

Capit Learning
Teaching to read with phonics

Capstone Publishing
Resources available during school closures.

Capstone Publishing
Resources available during school closures.
User Name = Engaged; Password = Learning


Carnegie Learning
Math Resources

Carolina Biological
Science resources for learning at home.

Center for Math and Teaching
Math Resources.

Language Programs

Instantly communicate and engage with all families and students

Classroom Champions
Health, safety & curriculum information.

Core Knowledge
Online Core Knowledge Foundation Resources.

Math Resources

Curriculum Associates
Resources for extended school closures.

Davis Art
Access to digital resources.

Discovery Education
Access to Discovery Education Experience.

Energize Schools
Virtual distance learning resources

Explore Learning
Access and information about all three of our online resources.

Health Education; Career & Technical

Great Minds
Recorded daily lessons of Eureka Math, Wit & Wisdom, and PhD Science.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Information and resources to help continue teaching and learning during school closures.

Impact Science
Lessons During School Closures.

Kendall Hunt
Open Educational Resources for Illustrative Mathematics and OpenSciEd.

Science Curricula

Lincoln Learning
Videos, games, and samples.

Mastery Education/Measuring Up MyQuest
Adaptive standards-based practice.

Support for remote learning.

Student Portals Launchedeffective Curriculum Ideas Economicas

Middle School Math Resources.

Mystery Science
K-5 NGSS science resources.

National Geographic Learning / Cengage
Online and printable programs and resources

Cinematic broadcast of musical works, lesson plans, and interactive online courses.

Programs and readinessresources

Perfection Learning
Programs, e-books, teaching support

Online solutions to assist learning remotely.

Quaver Music
Online music assignments.

Reading Plus
Printable skill-building packages help develop reading comprehension

Digital solutions to assist students and families learning from home.

20 days’ worth of exciting learning journeys.

Science Bits
Middle School NGSS.

Singapore Math
Instructional lesson videos for students to access at home.

Social Studies School Services
Digital platforms through the end of the school year.

Start Me
Gettingstudents organized with access to all their educational resources

Studies Weekly
This online platform includes all student editions, Teacher Editions, lesson plans, ELA integrations, and assessments.

Symphony Math
Foundational number sense program for K-5

Resources for teachers to provide distance learning.

Teacher Created Materials
Resources for at-home learning.

The Art of Education
Weekly Webinars.

Student Portals Launchedeffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool

Twig Education
Students can access thousands of videos (in English/Spanish), lessons, activities, and visuals wherever they are.

Vista Higher Learning
Resources for K-12

Voyager Sopris
Math, Language, Writing, Professional Development

Wayside Publishing
Language Learning Programs

Wilson Language Training
Recommendations for Fundations®, Just Words®, and Wilson Reading System® use.

Handwriting forGrades K-2

Student Portals Launchedeffective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade

Distance learning for math

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