- You can use Shift in conjunction with those to select the text between those points. And, with text selected, you can hold down the Shift key and use the Left and Right arrow keys to adjust the end-point of the selected area one character at a time.
- A visual cheat-sheet for the 40 keyboard shortcuts found on Notion.so.
- Line Through Text Word
- Shortcut For Line Through Text Machine
- Shortcut For Line Through Text Mac Software
- Shortcut For Line Through Text Machine Learning
Shortcut 1 For a quick single strikethrough effect, the shortcut is Alt + H + 4. So, you select a piece of text or an entire paragraph and hit these keys on your keyboard. When you want to remove the strikethrough effect, hit the shortcut sequence again and you’ll be able to see the normal text. Nov 20, 2017 To strip the text from old styling, use the following Mac hotkeys combination. A very good one to stretch your fingers. To paste text without formatting: Hold down Shift + Option + Command and hit V.
-->For information about keyboard accessibility, see How to: Use Keyboard Navigation.
You can access a variety of commands in Visual Studio for Mac by using the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This document lists the default shortcuts for the Visual Studio for Mac key binding scheme. For more information about how to change the key binding scheme, see Customizing the IDE. You can also customize shortcuts for a command using the Visual Studio for Mac > Preferences menu item and choosing Environment > Key Bindings in the Preferences window.
The keyboard shortcuts displayed in this document, and the key binding preferences in Visual Studio for Mac, are presented using the symbols commonly used in macOS. If you are unsure of a symbol, review the macOS key symbols loopkup table.
Downloadable quick ref pdfs
We have compiled the most used, and most useful, keyboard shortcuts into a downloadable pdf file. We have two versions,one that shows shortcuts for Visual Studio for Mac, and a version that shows Visual Studio shorts side-by-side for usersthat have prior experience with Visual Studio when using Windows.
Code Navigation
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Find References | ⇧⌘R, F12 |
Go to Declaration | ⌘D, F12 |
Next Error | ⌥⇧⇟, ⇧⌘F12 |
Next Issue in File | ⌥⇟ |
Previous Error | ⌥⇧⇞ |
Previous Issue in File | ⌥⇞ |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Enable or Disable Breakpoint | ⌥⌘/, ⌘F9 |
Pause | ⌥⌘P, ⌥⌘L5 |
Remove All Breakpoints | ⇧⌘F9 |
Run To Cursor | ⌘F10 |
Set Next Statement | ⇧⌘F10 |
Show Next Statement | ⌥* |
Step Into | ⇧⌘I, ⌘F11 |
Step Out | ⇧⌘U, ⇧⌘F11 |
Step Over | ⇧⌘O, F10 |
Toggle Breakpoint | ⌘, F9 |
View Breakpoints | ⌥⌘B |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Switch between related files | ⌃⌘↑ |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Constraint Editing Mode | ⌘E |
Copy | ⌘C |
Cut | ⌘X |
Delete | ⌘⌫ |
Format Document | ⌃I |
Indent Selection | ⌘] |
Paste | ⌘V |
Preferences | ⌘, |
Redo | ⇧⌘Z |
Rename | ⌘R, F2 |
Select All | ⌘A |
Show Code Generation | ⌘I |
Toggle All Folds | ⌥⇧⌘↑ |
Toggle Definitions | ⌥⇧⌘↓ |
Toggle Fold | ⌥⇧⌘← |
Toggle Line Comment(s) | ⌘/ |
Undo | ⌘Z |
Unindent Selection | ⌘[ |
Update Frame from Constraints | ⇧⌘R |
F# Integration
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Clear F# Interactive | ⌃⌥C |
F# Interactive | ⌃⌥F |
Restart F# Interactive | ⌃⌥R |
Send line to F# Interactive | ⌃⌥L |
Send references to F# Interactive | ⌃⌥P |
Send selection to F# Interactive | ⌃⏎ |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Close All | ⇧⌘W |
Close File | ⌘W |
Close Workspace | ⌥⌘W |
New File | ⌘N |
New Solution | ⇧⌘N |
Open | ⌘O |
⌘P | |
Quit | ⌘Q |
Revert | ⌘U |
Save | ⌘S |
Save All | ⇧⌘S |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
API Documentation | ⌥⌘? |
Unity API Reference | ⌘' |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Implement Unity Messages | ⇧⌘M |
Inspect | ⌥⌘I |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Add Files | ⌥⌘A |
Build | ⌘K, ⇧F6 |
Build All | ⌘B, F6 |
Clean | ⇧⌘K |
Rebuild | ⌃⌘K |
Rebuild All | ⌃⌘B |
Start Debugging | ⌘⏎, F5 |
Start Without Debugging | ⌥⌘⏎, ⌃F5 |
Stop | ⇧⌘⏎, ⇧F5 |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Import Symbol | ⌃⌥␣ |
Quick Fix | ⌥⏎ |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Command | ⇧⌘P |
Find in Files | ⇧⌘F |
Find Next | ⌘G, F3 |
Find Next Like Selection | ⌘E, ⌘F3 |
Find Previous | ⇧⌘G, ⇧F3 |
Find Previous Like Selection | ⇧⌘F3 |
Find | ⌘F |
Go to File | ⇧⌘D |
Go to Line | ⌘L |
Go to Type | ⇧⌘T |
Navigate To | ⌘. |
Replace in Files | ⌥⇧⌘F |
Replace | ⌥⌘F |
Text Editor
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Complete Word | ⌃␣ |
Delete left character | ⌃H |
Delete next subword | ⌃⌦ |
Delete next word | ⌥⌦ |
Delete previous subword | ⌃⌫ |
Delete previous word | ⌥⌫ |
Delete right character | ⌃D |
Delete to end of line | ⌃K |
Dynamic abbrev | ⌃/ |
Expand selection | ⌥⇧↓ |
Expand selection | ⌥⇧↑ |
Expand selection to document end | ⇧⌘↓, ⇧⌘↘ |
Expand selection to document start | ⇧⌘↑, ⇧⌘↖ |
Expand selection to line end | ⇧↘, ⇧⌘→ |
Expand selection to line start | ⇧↖, ⇧⌘← |
Expand selection to next line | ⇧↓ |
Expand selection to next word | ⌥⇧→ |
Expand selection to page down | ⇧⇟ |
Expand selection to page up | ⇧⇞ |
Expand selection to previous line | ⇧↑ |
Expand selection to previous word | ⌥⇧← |
Expand selection to the left | ⇧← |
Expand selection to the right | ⇧→ |
Find caret | ⌘| |
Go left one character | ⌃B |
Go right one character | ⌃F |
Go to beginning of document | ⌘↑ |
Go to beginning of line | ⌘←, ⌃A |
Go to end of document | ⌘↓ |
Go to end of line | ⌘→, ⌃E |
Go to Matching Brace | ⇧⌘ |
Go to next line | ⌃N |
Go to next word | ⌥→ |
Go to previous line | ⌃P |
Go to previous word | ⌥← |
Insert line break after the caret | ⌃O |
Move caret to EOL and insert new line | ⇧⏎ |
Move the line or highlighted selection down | ⌥↓ |
Move the line or highlighted selection up | ⌥↑ |
Move to next usage | ⌃⌥⌘↓ |
Move to prev usage | ⌃⌥⌘↑ |
Show Parameter List | ⌃⇧␣ |
Show quick info | ⌘F1 |
Show Scopes | ⌥⇧⌘P |
Transpose characters | ⌃T |
Wrap with <div> | ⌥⇧W |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Center and Focus Document | ⌃L |
Focus Document | F7 |
Full Screen | ⌃⌘F |
Move to Next Notebook | ⌥⌘→ |
Move to Previous Notebook | ⌥⌘← |
Navigate Back | ⌃⌘← |
Navigate Forward | ⌃⌘→ |
Normal Size | ⌘0 |
One Editor Column | ⌥⌘1 |
Show Next | ⌥⌘↓, F8 |
Show Previous | ⌥⌘↑, ⇧F8 |
Two Editor Columns | ⌥⌘2 |
Zoom In | ⌘+, ⌘= |
Zoom Out | ⌘-, ⌘_ |
Commands | Keyboard shortcuts |
Activate 1 | ⌘1 |
Activate 2 | ⌘2 |
Activate 3 | ⌘3 |
Activate 4 | ⌘4 |
Activate 5 | ⌘5 |
Activate 6 | ⌘6 |
Activate 7 | ⌘7 |
Activate 8 | ⌘8 |
Activate 9 | ⌘9 |
Hide Others | ⌥⌘H |
Hide Visual Studio | ⌘H |
Minimize | ⌘M |
Next Document | ⌘}, ⌘F6 |
Previous Document | ⌘{, ⇧⌘F6 |
Switch to next document | ⌃⇥ |
Switch to next tool window | ⌃⌥⇥ |
Switch to previous document | ⌃⇧⇥ |
Switch to previous tool window | ⌃⌥⇧⇥ |
macOS key symbols lookup
Symbol | Key |
⌘ | Command (cmd) |
⌥ | Option (alt) |
⇧ | Shift |
⌃ | Control (ctrl) |
⇞ | Page Up (Pg Up) |
⇟ | Page Down (Pg Dn) |
⌫ | Delete (Backspace) |
⌦ | Forward Delete |
⏎ | Return |
←→↑↓ | Arrow Keys |
↖ | Home |
↘ | End |
␣ | Space Bar |
⇥ | Tab |
See also
Work a lot with text on your Mac? If so, you must have found our previous post about keyboard shortcuts useful for your day-to-day workflow. This time though, instead of showing you general shortcuts, we’ll focus specifically on those that come in very handy when working with text files.
Although some of these are elementary, a lot of these could comfortably fall in the not-so-known or even hardly-known category. Bottom line: knowing all of these can significantly push your productivity up a notch and before you know, you’d be saving valuable minutes on the clock.
Without further ado, here they are:
1. Alt+Left Arrow
Line Through Text Word
Takes you to the beginning of word your cursor is currently located at.
2. Alt+Right Arrow
Allows you to jump to the end of the current word.
3. Command+Left Arrow
Takes you to the beginning of the current line of text you are at.
4. Command+Right Arrow
Shortcut For Line Through Text Machine
Go to the end of the current line of text.
5. Command+Up/Down
Jump to the beginning or the end of all the text on a page respectively.
6. Alt+Up/Down
Go to beginning or end of the current paragraph respectively. Alternatively, you can also press Command+A or Command+E for the same results.
7. Important Note
Pressing also the Shift key with any of the above shortcuts will allow you to select the text instead of just navigating through it.
8. Command+Z (Undo)
If you make a mistake while typing, use this shortcut to undo it.
9. Command+Shift+Z (Redo)
And if you decide you don’t want to erase/undo after all, type this command to reverse the Undo action.
10. Command+F
(You might need to also press Shift in some applications): Allows you to find any word or snippet of text in most text files.
11. Shift+Option+Command+V
Paste any kind of text without format. This is extremely helpful when working with applications like MS Word, which for some reason have text pasted with format by default.
12. Control+K
Use this one to delete text starting from the current spot of your cursor to the end of the paragraph.
13. Control+Y
Paste the text you just deleted using Control+K.
14. Fn+Delete
Use this shortcut to forward delete text.
15. Option+Delete
Backward delete one word at a time.
16. Option+Fn+Delete
Add the Function key to the previous shortcut to forward delete one word.
17. Control+H
Too lazy to reach for the Delete key? Use this shortcut to backward delete one character even faster.
18. Control+D
And use this one to forward delete a character without having to reach for the Delete key.
19. Control+O
Insert a new line after the current cursor location.
20. Control+T
Use this one to transpose the last two written characters.
21. Option+Escape
Shortcut For Line Through Text Mac Software
A very handy shortcut used to complete any word you are writing. When you use it, it displays a list of possible alternatives for you to choose from.
That’s it for now. We know you will find many of these keyboard shortcuts very helpful. And who knows, perhaps there were are few in the list that you didn’t even know about.
Shortcut For Line Through Text Machine Learning
Of course, if you know any other keyboard shortcuts that help you work with text faster and smoother, share them in the comments.
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